Beginner Crochet Hat

Beginner Crochet Hat
Beginner Crochet Hat

How to Make a Crochet Hat
By Jake Jackson - Ezinearticles

If you want to know how to make a crochet hat, I have quite the story to tell you. If you are like me, one who lives alone, has many children or possible grandchildren on the way, crocheting a hat may be a great way to use your free time. Making things like baby hats and such are fantastic presents to give away. Learning how to make a crochet hat is not hard. When you have good instructions, you can crochet just about any size or type of hat you would like. After learning the right way to crochet, I was enjoying spending my free time crafting instead of spending it in front of the television or computer. Plus, I have something to show for my time spent. When giving crocheted gifts to close friends and family, I get to remember time well spent when noticing them wearing my crocheted items. There is no greater feeling, in my mind, than seeing things I have made, being worn by people I love.

Beginner Crochet Hat

After you have your yarn and hook to crochet your hat, you would start to crochet around to begin the process. You will want to keep crocheting in the round until it is the proper size for the persons head. When you reach the desired size, slow down your crocheting in the loops. This means you would just do two crochet every other loop instead of each one. This will produce the sides of the hat. Continue doing this until your hat reaches the desired length.

Beginner Crochet Hat

Learning how to make a crochet hat may also lead you in the path of life with less stress. I find crocheting to be a very good stress reliever. Just being able to sit and craft things at my own pace is nice and love to show off what items that are made. So If you have that free time on your hands, and this does include sitting on the couch wanting television, I suggest you give crocheting a try and learn how to make a crochet hat.

Beginner Crochet Hat

Beginner Crochet Hat

Beginner Crochet Hat

Beginner Crochet Hat
Beginner Crochet Hat


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