Hats For Haiti

Hats For Haiti
Haitian Baby Born in the Midst of Conflict
By Linda Pontnack - Ezinearticles
There are pockets of victory and love in Haiti, in the midst of all the tragedy. When I think of babies and children being without food, clothing and shelter and abandoned; it touches my heart. When my girlfriend told me about this wonderful birth in the midst of a devastating earth quake, I shouted with tears of joy!
By Linda Pontnack - Ezinearticles
There are pockets of victory and love in Haiti, in the midst of all the tragedy. When I think of babies and children being without food, clothing and shelter and abandoned; it touches my heart. When my girlfriend told me about this wonderful birth in the midst of a devastating earth quake, I shouted with tears of joy!

Babies and children are easily abandoned, left under rubble after and during an earthquake. A pregnant woman is in danger, if she is unable to arrive at a good hospital to birth her baby. This pregnant woman arrived at an advanced hospital in Haiti, she was nine months and ready to give birth, the Israeli doctors delivered her baby. The baby was a healthy boy, the Haitian mother was so grateful to the doctors and medical staff at this hospital that she named her baby son Israel.

My Israeli brothers and sisters delivered this baby boy with love, care and advanced medical equipment for this pregnant woman and she became a victorious mom in the midst of turmoil, chaos, and conflict. Divine love never fails, as a result of this love displayed by the Israeli medical staff, the Haitian people are eternally grateful.

To everyone who reads this article know and realize that babies & children are our most precious gifts and future from God. We are to cherish, teach, encourage, protect and exhort our children the most important care for our babies and children is parental love. Parental love comes before the baby is born.

Hats For Haiti
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