Free Knitted Hat Patterns

Free Knitted Hat Patterns
Free Knitted Hat Patterns

Knitted Hat Patterns - The Idle Hat
By Marjory Richmond - Ezinerarticles

The idle hat is one of the knitted hat patterns that are perfect for days when you just want to unwind and take it easy. It's a simple hat that's given a distinctive twist by funky yarn and has a relaxed and nice feel. If you have a lot of hair, I suggest that you make this hat larger than its standard size. This hat is 8 inches tall and about 19 inches around and would fit an average woman.

Free Knitted Hat Patterns

You'll need:
  1. 55 yards of a bulky polyamide/ acrylic blend
  2. One set of size 11 US double pointed needles
  3. One set of size 11 US circular needles and 16" cable.
  4. Scissors
  5. Stitch marker
  6. Yarn needle
Free Knitted Hat Patterns

3 and a half inches and 4 rows for every inch in stockinette stitch in the round.

Let's start!
  1. Begin by casting on 60 stitches.
  2. Join in the round, while making sure that your stitches are straight. Be careful too not to twist stitches. You can place a marker if you wish.
  3. Knit in knit two; purl two ribbing for two inches.
  4. Work in stockinette stitch until your project measures 6 inches.
  5. Next row: *knit 1, knit two together. Repeat from *across. (45 stitches)
  6. Next row: *knit 1, knit two together. Repeat from *across. (30 stitches)
  7. *Knit one, knit two together. Repeat from *across. (20 stitches)
  8. Knit two together across. (10 stitches)
  9. Knit two together across. (5 stitches)
Free Knitted Hat Patterns

Tips on finishing:
  1. Don't forget to switch to knitting with 2 circulars or your double pointed needles as you decrease and there aren't enough stitches to stretch across a single circular.
  2. Once you have reduced to 5 or 6 stitches, cut the yarn while leaving a couple of inches.
  3. To make the top of the hat, pull tightly. Weave in ends.
Free Knitted Hat Patterns

Free Knitted Hat Patterns

Free Knitted Hat Patterns

Free Knitted Hat Patterns
Free Knitted Hat Patterns


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